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드림존(Dream Zone)


:Grades 6-12


하나님께 꿈을 올려드리고 예수님의 제자로서 헌신하는 삶을 꿈꾸는 자녀들의 공동체

섬기시는 분:  Pastor Samuel Lang Choi 

Dream Zone is our youth ministry consisted of middle and high school students (6th-12th grade). Our goal is to equip and prepare the next generation for God’s kingdom and His work. We have a deep desire to train and teach our students how important it is to use our gifts and passions for Kingdom purposes. Our ministry is deeply concerned for discipleship, daily devotionals, small-group bible studies, community outreach, missions and evangelism. A healthy church is always equipping the next generation of young Christians and we believe we will help renew lives in Christ to transform our city and the world. 


  • DTS(Discipleship Trainning School):

DTS is a yearly planned Bible study program to help students learn the foundations of the Christian faith and how to live a godly life according to the Word of God. DTS is held every Friday evening from 7:30-9:30pm at our local church.


  • Small Groups:

Small groups are led by our DreamZone teachers after our youth services on Sunday. Small groups are designed for students to experience an intimate time sharing thoughts and concerns with one another and praying for one another.


  • Daily Devotionals:

Daily devotionals are designed to help students keep with their personal faith through daily reflections in the Word of God and in prayer. Currently we are using a curriculum called “SENA” for daily devotionals.

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드림존(Dream Zone) 2016 졸업예배

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Dream Zone 2016 Retreat

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